Day Money Back Guarantee* (800) 251-4514

Secure HIPAA Compliant Faxing Solutions for the Healthcare Industry.

starting at only $4.99/month

Send Fax Online:

Upload Document, enter a recipient number and we do the rest.

Receive Fax Online:

When a fax is sent to your number it goes to your email as a PDF!

Why RedFax is Your Trusted HIPAA Compliant Fax Provider
Worry-Free Guarantee

No contracts or hidden fees. Send faxes and receive faxes when you want, cancel anytime.

Equipment-Free Faxing

No fax machine, hardware or software. Secure faxing online when you want without the overhead costs.

Docs in the Cloud

Print any fax document on your phone, tablet, PC or any web-connected device with Google Cloud Print integration.

Port Your Existing Number

Already have a fax number? Port your existing number with ease when you sign-up.

Privacy and Protection

Advanced Security and Encryption, HIPAA compliant faxing with a flip of the switch.

Red Fax Guarantee

Not satisfied with our service? Call anytime within 30 days of signing up to receive a full refund.